Geothermal business sustainability depends on how the company manages its natural surroundings. Therefore, the Company manages and monitors it not only by referring to the Environmental Management Plan (RKL) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) that documents the Company’s obligations, but also from feedback from the communities and the local governments. The Company also carries out Biodiversity initiative programs beyond compliance with laws and regulations.
In implementing the programs the Company works in collaboration with the communities, NGOs, and the Government to raise awareness of the biodiversity. All activities are evaluated regularly through direct monitoring in the field, reporting to the authorities, as well as the achievement of KPI targets from the involved Company functions.
The Company’s work areas are all located in Indonesia and in remote mountainous areas, and most of them are in forest areas including protected forests.
The Company has established a policy whereby all work area activities in Indonesia located within or adjacent to protected areas and/or areas with high biodiversity, have a Borrow-to-Use Forest Area Permit (IPPKH) for protected forest areas from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. (KLHK). In 2021, the Company has 17 IPPKH covering an area of 758.02 Ha.
After identification and monitoring, the Company has recorded several species of fauna and flora protected according to the 1990 Red List of The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Law (UU) No. 5 concerning Conservation of Natural Resources; and 1999 Government Regulation No. 7 concerning Preservation of Plant and Animal Species.
Operations and production activities directly or indirectly have an impact on the species around each Area and Project. The Company is committed to protecting biodiversity by identifying protected and endemic species before operations begin, and transferring them to prepared conservation areas, or other areas not affected by the operations. All activities are carried out by involving the authorities, including the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), the Center for Natural Resources Conservation (BKSDA), the Center for River Basin Management (BPDAS) and the local Environmental Service (DLH), with regular reporting.
Various activities to protect flora and fauna species have been carried out by the company in the operational area. Fauna conservation carried out includes Kamojang Eagle Conservation Center, Cultivation of Saburai Goats (Lampung endemic fauna), and Conservation of Endemic Yaki, Macaca nigra in Lahendong. Flora conservation includes Rare and indigenous plant nursery in Kamojang, Cultivation, conservation and innovation show window Kulo and Riri Chrysanthemum (Endemic Kulo and Riri Chrysanthemum) in Tomohon, and Green Space Access Program (PARI) di Kamojang area. The company also carried out Greening activities such as Reforestation of Kamojang, Lahendong, Ulubelu, Karaha and Lumut balai Areas.