Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk

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PGE Soon to Operate PLTP Utilizing Geothermal Wet Steam

PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy is currently completing the construction of the Binary Cycle Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) in Lahendong, Tomohon, North Sulawesi. This small-scale environmentally friendly geothermal plant will also be developed into other geothermal areas currently managed by a Pertamina subsidiary under the Sub Holding Power & New Renewable Energy (PNRE).

"This plant with a capacity of 0.5 MW is a milestone for Pertamina Geothermal Energy and this opens up opportunities for the development of other small-scale geothermal power plants," said Tafif Azimudin, Director of Exploration and Development of PT PGE in a webinar entitled "The Role of Geothermal in the Energy Transition" which took place online, Thursday (17/2/2022). Participating in this forum were the Director of Geothermal, Directorate General of EBTKE, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Harris, and member of the National Energy Council, Herman Darnel Ibrahim.

The binary geothermal power plant utilizes geothermal wet steam and residual geothermal energy from conventional geothermal power plants. The construction of this PLTP was carried out by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) starting in early 2019, with funding of Rp. 45 billion from the German Government through the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) German Research Center for Geosciences, and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, amounting to Rp. 12 billion.

Agus Nurrohim, BPPT engineer who was involved in designing the prototype of the Binari PLTP, added that GFZ is responsible for manufacturing turbines and generators, while the manufacture of heat exchangers and cooling towers is carried out by domestic contractors. "The Binari PLTP can also be used for geothermal potential with medium and low temperatures (medium enthalpy and low enthalpy), which are usually small in scale," said Agus, who is now a member of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).

According to Tafif, Pertamina Geothermal Energy also always tries to protect the environment and the interests of the community around the geothermal work area. "We are trying to use the land as efficiently as possible so it doesn't take up a lot of land," he said. This is done by building road infrastructure and developing the conservation of animals and the environment around their operational areas.

Tafif gave an example, PGE built a 30 km paved road in Ulubelu, Lampung. In this area, PGE has four power plants with a total capacity of 220 MW. “Before there was a PLTP, people from their homes to the fields took half a day at the fastest. Now, they only need 1 hour," he said. In Ulubelu, PGE also conserves the local Saburai goat.

According to Tafif, as an energy company with a very long operating period, PGE cannot possibly be an ivory tower isolated from the surrounding community and environment. Kamojang, for example, is now 39 years old. Lahendong is estimated to be able to continue producing for another 45 years. "We have to grow with the community," he said.

Until the end of 2021, PT PGE has operated 21 PLTPs in six work areas, namely in Kamojang, Sibayak (North Sumatra), Ulebelu, Lahendong, Lumut Balai (South Sumatra), and Karaha (West Java. The total capacity of the 21 PLTPs has reached 672 MW This amount is equivalent to 29.51 percent of the national capacity. However, if you add the JOC (joint operation contract) PLTP, the total capacity will increase to 82.1 percent of the national capacity. PGE's next focus will be to complete the 500 kW PLTP Binary project in the Lahendong Area. The interesting thing about this project is the use of binary technology that is different from the conventional technology that has been used in Geothermal Generation.

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