JAKARTA - President Director of the Management Training Center (PPM), Andi Ilham Said, handed over the 2019 BUMN Awards for the Big Corporate Category - Best Risk Management in 2019 to the Director of Exploration and Development of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE), Khairul Rozaq. The event, which was held at the Ballroom of the Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan Hotel in Jakarta, was held in order to appreciate the contribution of SOEs that have shown superior performance and are able to compete at national and global levels.
"This achievement is proof that the company is considered successful in managing risk so that the geothermal business process runs smoothly. We hope that this achievement can be a motivation to improve company performance, "Rozaq said shortly after receiving the award.
PGE has passed several stages of selection, which began with the selection of questionnaires, followed by deepening interview questionnaire material before the jury and ending with the CEO interview process. Of the 90 participants, 30 SOEs in the category of Big Corporate and 45 BUMN Emerging Corporate participated in the final stage.
Tanri Abeng as the head of the jury said that this year's event was different from the previous years because this year's assessment no longer separated the category of BUMN Tbk and Non Tbk, but the main category, namely Big Corporate as a company with revenue above Rp 3 Trillion and Emerging Corporate, namely a company with revenue below Rp 3 trillion.
As is known, this year PGE is in the process of preparing ISO 31000: 2018 certification regarding Risk Management. PGE's risk management is placed in every business activity based on the RKAP and RJPP, and to ensure the success of risk management, decision making is always based on the impacts of strategic and operational risks.